Pre-announcement of FutureFoodS 2024 call for proposals
International: Si
Code: FutureFoodS
Type of instrument: Otros
Project Typology: Cooperacion
Beneficiaries:- Centro de investigación...)
- Gran empresa
- Organismo de investigación (Universidad
- Otro tipo de beneficiario
- Pyme
This call is open for proposals addressing one of the R&I topics described below.
Theme 1: The pathway to sustainable and resilient food systems
New approaches to reshaping food systems interactions, for example through new market-based arrangements, business models, policy measures and experimental practices. The call theme aims to promote the sustainability of food systems in all their dimensions.
Theme 2: Novel Foods - Fostering innovations in food design, processing and supply through the reorientation of supply and demand
New systemic approaches to food design, processing and supply to propose a wider variety of healthy, sustainable and minimally processed food alternatives. The theme of the call also includes issues of consumer acceptance, food safety and the roles of different food actors.
Theme 3: Facilitating Sustainable Food Choices - Enabling Environments and Dietary Change
Whole system approaches to address the challenges of adopting sustainable food practices across Europe. The central theme of the call is the role of food environments in supporting consumption shifts towards safe, healthy, nutritious, affordable, accessible, equitable and culturally appropriate food.
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Requirements:Research consortia must consist of a minimum of three partners from a minimum of three different eligible countries applying for funding to the funding organisations participating in this call.
- The guiding elements of FutureFoodS projects are the following and will form part of the evaluation:
Transformative perspective
Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity
Multi-stakeholder involvement
- Proposals must present an impact plan for the transformation of food systems.
Further information and guidance will be provided in the call announcement.
RIS3 Areas:- Agroalimentación
Phases and dates:
Number of phases: dos
From 30 de October de 2024 to 1 de January de 2025
From 3 de October de 2024 to 30 de June de 2025
For any information regarding the call for proposals and support in the preparation process, please contact the SECTI European Projects Office. Whether you are interested in participating by submitting a proposal or looking for a consortium to participate with, we can help you.
Contact details: . Tel: 924014600.
This activity is part of the project Internationalisation of R&D&I, funded by the General Secretariat of Education, Science and Vocational Training of the Regional Government of Extremadura and the European Regional Development Fund of the EU (‘A Way of Doing Europe’) at 80%, and managed by FUNDECYT Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura.